The biggest pain in the ass involved in creating a meta-blog is aggregating all the stuff involved. The problem in being involved in politics is that it's more of a trade than a profession; more applied art than science.
For that reason, I'm trying to set up a means whereby everything I post is only a click away from source material.
If political terms meant anything these days, I would consider myself a Whig-Labor-Liberal, politically, with a strong streak of Spenglerian pessimism. As such I consider the
Federalist Papers to be arguably the greatest work of genius in the history of political philosophy.
(I'll explain some other time why I consider the term "progressive" in its modern usage to be historically inaccurate, politically meaningless, and morally bankrupt.)
One of the reasons I set up five interlinked blogs is that politics, culture, public policy, and journalism are so balkanized that it's a pain in the ass to cross-reference. This way, I'm able to make distinctions between data, interpretation, fact, speculation, and wild-ass-guesses; while indulging in all of them.
Have fun linking to the sources. I hope you find them useful.
If you don't, tough shit; it's my blog.