This Blog Is Under Construction

I feel that, rather than cluttering up the main parts of the meta-blog, I should set up an integral portal for research. All the links will be from credible sources.

I have no interest in ideological masturbation here; the only criterion for linking here is falsifiable empirical data, however politically filtered.

There will be links to ideological sites of all sorts, to put stuff into political context.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome to my information portal

The biggest pain in the ass involved in creating a meta-blog is aggregating all the stuff involved.  The problem in being involved in politics is that it's more of a trade than a profession; more applied art than science.

For that reason, I'm trying to set up a means whereby everything I post is only a click away from source material.

If political terms meant anything these days, I would consider myself a Whig-Labor-Liberal, politically, with a strong streak of Spenglerian pessimism.  As such I consider the Federalist Papers to be arguably the greatest work of genius in the history of political philosophy.

(I'll explain some other time why I consider the term "progressive" in its modern usage to be historically inaccurate, politically meaningless, and morally bankrupt.)

One of the reasons I set up five interlinked blogs is that politics, culture, public policy, and journalism are so balkanized that it's a pain in the ass to cross-reference.  This way, I'm able to make distinctions between data,  interpretation, fact, speculation, and wild-ass-guesses; while indulging in all of them.

Have fun linking to the sources.  I hope you find them useful.

If  you don't, tough shit; it's my blog.

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